- Alhambra Elementary School District
- Sub-Committees
- Teaching & Learning
5-Year Strategic Plan
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Teaching & Learning
Effective instruction occurs with quality teaching in a student-centered, safe environment where there are high expectations and accountability for all students to succeed in their future to become lifelong learners.
Teachers have a solid knowledge of the content they teach and a common understanding of the content standards and curricula. Effective teachers will engage in coaching and professional development for teachers and provide support for the community.
Effective teachers intentionally plan, emphasize evidence-based practices in their lessons (e.g. relevant differentiation and engagement), and utilize a balanced assessment system to make instructional data-driven decisions for all students focusing on the whole child.
Subcommittee Members:
Jill Bahti (DO), Shauna Becker (CES), Rosa Berrelleza (DO), Danielle Berry (DO), Amy Bradshaw (BES), Libby Cohen (AOA), Julia Cremona (DO), Alan Davidson (DO), Mackenzie Harris (CGP), Michelle Hicks (GRE), Kristine Jones (VAL), Jessica Jensen (MAD), Esperanza Lopez (DO), Ceci Maes (DO), Sarah Messick (MAD), Maria Montenegro (GRW), Eugene Montoya (VAL), Stacy O'Rourke (MAD), Christina Peacock (CGP), Raul Ruiz (DO), Evangelina Santamaria (JWR), LaTisha Smith (GRW), Tamra Smith (DO), Shaunna Smithson (CLA), Amanda Stegen (ATS), Adrienne Stephenson (WES), Kira Thomas (DO), Scott Thompson (SVW), Becky Thornton (SVE), Erika Twohy (SVE), Elizabeth Zipp (AOA). .
AESD will ensure continuous growth and achievement for all.
Primary Need 1: Educators need to use effective data driven, standards and research-based instructional strategies.
Desired Outcome 1: Evidence of expected student growth - AESD will use data and standards-based instruction to increase student achievement.
Strategy: Effective evidence based instructional strategies will be used to increase achievement for all students.
Action Step 1: Ongoing targeted training and collaboration.
Action Step 2: Ongoing data collection and analysis to determine growth and next steps for all stakeholders.
Primary Need 2: Educators need meaningful and structured opportunities for collaboration and strategic planning.
Desired Outcome 2: AESD has opportunities for educators to engage in meaningful collaboration & strategic planning.
Strategy: Implement professional learning communities district-wide for all.
Action Step 1: Provide training (the what, why and how) support and monitor Professional Learning Communities (PLC) effectiveness.
Action Step 2: Scheduled PLCs that are structured, ongoing and have consistent collaboration.
Primary Need 3: Educators need professional development and coaching to build capacity for effective instruction.
Desired Outcome 3: Educators consistently implement effective instruction by participating in differentiated professional development and strategic coaching.
Strategy: Provide differentiated Professional Development (PD) and coaching based upon need.
Action Step 1: Ensure that PD and coaching are impactful for all learners.
Action Step 2: Use surveys, feedback, coaching cycles, and walk-through data to evaluate needs and effectiveness.
Primary Need 4: Educators need to create, maintain and sustain high expectations to promote accountability for all stakeholders aligned to focused goals.
Desired Outcome 4: All stakeholders will engage in learning, growing, and achieving in order to ensure all students make a minimum on 1 year's growth in all areas.
Strategy: Structured goal setting. The strategy is measured using SMART goals for all stakeholders.
Action Step 1: Create a systematized process for goal setting using research-based systems (ex. SMART goals).
Action Step 2: Progress monitor goals and aggregate data, adjusting accordingly each month.