USDA's National School Lunch & School Breakfast Program Nutrition Standards

  • Breakfast & lunch menus are planned according to USDA's guidelines for the National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs. For lunch, students have the option to create their own meals by selecting from a variety of foods served. At minimum, students must pick 3 of these options (including 1 fruit or vegetable) and are encouraged to choose 1 from each category for maximum nutrition benefits:

                Entree + Fruit + Vegetable + Milk + Various Sides 

    All meals served must meet the minimum nutrition requirements that are federally mandated.

    - 1 oz whole grain-rich grains 
    - 1 cup of whole fruit or vegetable, and/or 100% juice 
    - 1 cup of milk 

    - 1 oz of whole-grain rich grains 
    - 1 oz of protein 
    - 1/2 cup fruit or 100% juice 
    - 3/4 cup vegetable 
    - 1 cup milk 

    Did you know? 

    The Child Nutrition Department at AESD signed the Arizona Department of Education Whole Grain Pledge in 2018, which means that we serve whole grain-rich items during all of our meal sessions (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and Supper). 

    Why does this matter? Whole-Grain items are naturally more nutrient-dense than refined grains, and provide students with superior nutrition. So, by serving whole-grain rich items, we are providing our students more:

    • Fiber: Can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Promotes proper digestion.
    • B-Vitamins: Support the body's ability to produce energy. Fight infection and help in the creation of blood cells. Aid in feeling energized. 
    • Vitamin E: Antioxidant. Supports a strong immune system. Involved in the formation of red blood cells.