Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program

  • We are proud to announce that the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) has selected all of our K-8  Alhambra schools to participate in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program again for the 24-25 school year! The schools that have been awarded this grant are:

    • Alhambra Traditional School, Barcelona, Carol G. Peck, Catalina Ventura, Choice Learning Academy, Cordova Elementary, Global Academy of Phoenix, Granada East, Granada West, James W. Rice, Madrid, Sevilla East, Sevilla West, Valencia Newcomer School & Westwood Elementary School.

    What does this mean if my student attends one of these schools?
    If your student attends one of the referenced schools, they will have the opportunity to try new and fun fruits and vegetables! Each classroom is also provided a Nutrition Education Handout to learn more about the new item. To see the fruits and veggies that students have tried and learned about, please click on the icons below.

    What is FFVP?
    FFVP stands for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. This is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools during the school day. The goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education. (FFVP USDA)

    Click here for our FFVP Standard Operating Procedures for Food Safety.

Monthly Nutrition Education SY 24-25

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