Dress Code

  • Fifth - Seventh Grade Dress Code:

    • Navy blue pants, shorts, or skirts
    • Light blue or white polo shirt or official school spirit shirt

    Eighth Grade Dress Code:

    • Khaki pants, shorts, or skirts
    • Red polo shirt or official school spirit shirt

    Districtwide Dress Code (Applicable to All Grades):

    • Khaki pants, shorts, or skirts
    • Navy top

    JEAN / DENIM MATERIAL IS NOT PERMITTED (except on dress down days).


    Dress Code

Dress Code Guidelines

  • Clothing should be worn to fit the body and not be oversized. The uniform dress is readily available at most clothing stores. Families needing assistance in meeting the dress code requirements, please contact the school office.

    Students are not allowed to wear/bring the following items to school:

    • Jeans
    • Rolling backpacks
    • Sweat pants
    • Hats of any kind
    • Flip-flops/slippers
    • Baggy or oversized uniforms
    • Skate shoes
    • Logos of any kind