Welcome to Transportation!
Our goal is to ensure our students’ safety to and from school. The Alhambra School District transports students by school bus if students live more than one mile from the school; if students live within a one-mile radius of the school and hazardous or difficult routes exist such as children crossing major intersections; and for students with disabilities who require transportation. For more information about transportation, or to find the nearest bus stop, contact your local school or the transportation department.
Community Link to Transportation Information
By entering your students address, you and district personnel have access to an interactive map known as 'infofinder i'. It shows all available routes, bus stops and schools that a student may be eligible for. Click on the link below to locate and view which school and bus stop your child is eligible to attend. Simply enter your address and you will be given a list of bus stops you are eligible to utilize. Also, if you register your email address, you will be able submit questions or concerns directly to a staff member of Transportation.