The Alhambra Elementary School District is committed to providing our many stakeholders and citizens with a complete accounting of how our tax resources are spent, as well as providing insight into the financial operations of our school district. To that end, we are providing this information to provide financial transparency.
Arizona Auditor General’s Classroom Spending Report Annual Proposed Budget FY2025 These documents are prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and Office of the Auditor General. A.R.S. 15-905(C.) The proposed budget for the Alhambra School District can be viewed by clicking on the fiscal year link above. Adopted Budget Meeting Notification FY2025 These documents are prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and Office of the Auditor General. A.R.S. 15-905(C.) The summary of the proposed budget and the meeting notification for the adopted budget can also be viewed by clicking on the link above. Revised Budget Meeting Notification FY2024 These documents are prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and Office of the Auditor General. A.R.S. 15-905(C.) The summary of the proposed budget and the meeting notification for the adopted budget can also be viewed by clicking on the link above. Annual Adopted Budget FY2025 These documents are prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and Office of the Auditor General. A.R.S. 15-905(C.) The adopted budget for the Alhambra School District can be viewed by clicking on the fiscal year link above. Annual Financial Report (AFR) FY2024 This document is prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and Office of the Auditor General. It incorporates all financial information statutorily required for all funds. Revenues and Expenditures for the fiscal year are presented and a comparison to the prior year is included. A.R.S. §15-904 (A. & C.) To view the District’s Annual Financial Report (AFR), click on the link above to the Arizona Department of Education, select Alhambra School District from the drop-down menu, and then click on the “go” button. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 This report is presented as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and includes a comprehensive report of the District’s finances. The financial statements have been audited as required by Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C. A.R.S. §41-725 Click on the year above to view the District ACFR. Click on the year above to view the District ACFR. Click on the year above to view the District ACFR.