
  • Thank you to the following individuals for volunteering their time, creativity, and commitment. It is because of your dedication to our students, staff, families, and community that this team was able to create the Alhambra Elementary School District Plan for Reopening of Schools. A comprehensive living document that provides guidance to our community during these unprecedented times, and builds upon our preparedness to respond safely.

  • 2-1-2 In-Person Learning Wednesdays

    Amanda Rincon - 4th gr., WW

    Anna Erikson - K, VAL

    Bryan Goldwater - 8th gr., SEVW

    Callie Krohn - 1st gr., CAT

    Elaine Maser - Sped., BAR

    Erika Twohy - OC, SIM

    Hank Stevens - Music, CGP/MAD

    Julia Cremona - Lead Psych

    Julianne Savlov - 5th gr., COR

    Kira Thomas - EL Ac. Coach

    Laurie Gannon - 2nd gr., ATS

    Linda Washington - K, GRW

    Michelle Talbot - OC, JWR

    Richard Stinnett - Principal, ATS

    Rosela Arvayo - 5th gr., GRE

    Ruben Montoya - Dir. of Tech

    Tina Bunch- Principal, CAT

    Whitney Henkel - 7th gr., MAD

  • 2-1-2 In-Person Non-Teacher Emp. Wed.

    Angela Conklin - Spec. Pop. Coord.

    Brienne Berg - Child Nutrition Coord.

    Elecia Horton - Health Asst., MAD

    Elena Stone - OT, GRW/WW

    LeSara Jimenez - K, ATS

    Leticia Torres - Admin. Asst., HR

    Marjorie Paez - Ac. Coach, CGP

    Maryann Vurich - IA, APA

    Sarah Kaiser - OT, SEVE/JWR/CGP

    Stacy O’Rourke - Principal, MAD

    Susana Chavarria - Secretary, SIM

    Vanessa Hernandez - Trans. Dept. Coord.

  • COVID-19 Response Team

    Angie Frankenfield - Grow. & Dev. Spec.

    Briana Kehoe, Lead Nurse

    Julia Cremona, Lead Psych.

    Kristin Merkel, Lead Counselor

    Leslie Martin, Benefits Tech.

    Lynn Moriarty, Crd. of Health & Soc. Serv., VAL

    Mara Wayland, Assist. Sup.

    Mark Laliberte, Director of Human Res.

    Michael Rivera, Assistant Sup.

    Yvette Nava, Office Manager FRC

  • Deep Cleaning Schools & Workplaces

    Abel Mendez - Custodian, GRE

    Aide Garcia - Custodian, ATS

    Cynthia Glasco - OC, COR

    Jeanette Rocha - Art, GRE

    Jessica Hauer, Res. Dev. Coord.

    Laurie Santoro - 4th gr., GRW

    Lynette Faulkner - Director, VAL   

    Matt Shields - Dir. of Bus. Sup. Svcs.

    Sam Garcia - Maint. & Const. Coord. 

    Scott Heusman - Exec. Dir. of Bus. Svcs.

    Steve Anaya - Custodian, GRE

    Sugey Rubio - Pre. Teacher, APA  

    Tameia Byrd - 6th gr., GRE

    Vanessa Hernandez - Trans. Dept. Coord.

    Viry Vamazul - K Asst., SEVE 

  • Healthy Traffic Light

    Apolinar Quesada - Principal, GRE

    Briana Kehoe - Health Serv. Sup., VAL

    Diana Rodriguez - Transportation

    Dustin Mans - PE, WW

    Juanita Flores - Parent Coord., MAD

    Karen Stengel - Dir. Extracur. Act.

    LeSara Jimenez - K, ATS

    Lynn Moriarty, Crd. of Health & Soc. Serv., VAL

    Miriam Curchitser - Sped., COR

    Sakeenah Smith - Principal, SEVE

    Stephen Combs - 8th gr., BAR

    Vanessa Hernandez - Trans. Dept. Coord.

    Yvette Nava - Office Mang., FRC

  • District Communication

    Alana Ragland - Principal, SIM

    Ciera Johnson - 6th gr., SIM

    Jessica Hauer - Res. Dev. Corr.

    Steve Strait - 6th gr., JWR

    Susana Chavarria - Secretary, SIM

    Tanner Kent - 7th gr., SIM

    Veronica Castellanos - 8th gr., COR

  • Parent Partnerships

    Alicia Alcaraz - Sec., GRE

    Barbara Clemente - IA, MAD 

    Bridget Coassolo - Purch. Sup. Child Nutr.

    Carmen Salinas - Beh. Int./RTC, ATS 

    Elidia Landey - Par. Vol. Coor., SEVW

    Elizeth Galaviz - Par. Vol. Coor., SIM

    Esperanza Lopez - AVID Ac. Coach

    Flor Gonzalez - Par. Vol. Coor., WW 

    Gabriela Arias - Par. Vol. Coor., SEVE

    Jodi Hageman - OT Asst., SEVE & W /CGP 

    Jose Paredes - SEI Ac. Coach 

    Juanita Flores - Par. Vol. Coor., MAD 

    Kassandra Lizarraga - Sec., GAP

    Kate Chacon - Par. Vol. Coor., GRW

    Kristy Aguirre - Par. Vol. Coor., BAR

    LeSara Jimenez - K, ATS

    Leticia Correa - Par. Vol. Coor., COR 

    Magui Herrera-Valdez - 0 to 5 Coor., APA  

    Maria Mendoza - Par. Vol. Coor., VAL

    Maria Sandoval - Par. Vol. Coor., JWR

    Maribel Ponce - Par. Vol. Coor., CAT 

    Martha Munoz - Sec., CGP

    Rosalinda Noriega - Sec., ATS

    Tammi Hausman - Sped., COR 

    Tanner Kent - 7th gr., SIM 

  • 2-1-2 In-Person Teaching Wednesdays

    Alicia Snyder - 2nd gr., COR 

    Angelica Garcia - 4th gr., WW 

    Angie Frankenfield - Grow. & Dev. Spec.

    Candace Greene - Art, SEVW

    Cathleen O’Neil Frantz - Pres. Gov. Bd.

    Cindy Currie - 2nd gr., JWR 

    Eric Flores-Ortiz - 7th gr., GRE 

    Gretchen Noble - PE, SEVE

    Jaime Estrada - Sped, SIM 

    Jennifer Frick - K, MAD

    Jill Bahti - ESS Ac. Coach 

    Kira Thomas - EL Ac. Coach 

    Lisa Elliott - 4th gr., ATS

    Mackenzie Harris - OC, CGP 

    Marcy Goma - Dev. Pre., APA

    Mayra Ramos-Molina - 7th & 8th, GAP

    Michelle Frias - Soc. Worker, VAL

    Natalie Silva - Ac. Coach, BAR

    Rosa Berrelleza - Principal, JWR 

    Samantha Poe - K, GRW

    Sayra Villarreal - IA, JWR 

    Staci Valverde - 6th gr., ATS

    Tracy Smith - 4th gr., CGP

    Vanessa McGlothen - Music, CAT

  • Distance Learning Committee

    Adam Moon, 7th gr., JWR

    Alan Davidson, Tech. Dept.

    Alicia Snyder - 2nd gr., COR 

    Amy Fishbaugh, 1st gr., CGP

    Angela Conklin - Spec. Pop. Coord.

    Angelica Garcia - 4th gr., WW 

    Angie Frankenfield - Grow. & Dev. Spec.

    April Carr, Tech. Dept.

    Ashley Gardner, Pre.Teacher, APA

    Brenda Ordanza, ESS 

    Candace Greene - Art, SEVW

    Cecilia Salcido, ESS Ac. Coach

    Chris Ferreira, Tech. Dept.

    Cindy Espinoza, 4th gr., JWR

    Crystal Nesbitt, Tech. Dept.

    Cythel Goma, Pre. Teacher, APA

    Danielle Dengler, 5th gr., CGP

    Danielle Nelson, 6th gr., JWR

    Devi Beck, Tech. Dept.

    Elizabeth Parra, Fed. Prog.

    Elizabeth Zipp, Ac. Coach, COR

    Ellen Akilov, 5th gr., MAD

    Eric Flores-Ortiz - 7th gr., GRE 

    Erin Rodal, 7th gr., SIM

    Esteban Mojica, Ed. Serv.

    Gretchen Noble - PE, SEVE

    Helaine Lopez, Fed. Prog.

    Irina Marinescu, 8th gr., JWR

    Ivonne Galvan, Fed. Prog.

    Jacquelyne Foster, 3rd gr., GRW

    Jade Paracuelles, 7th gr., SEVW

    Jaime Smith, Tech. Dept.

    Jason Haley, Tech. Dept.

    Jeffrey Klaessy, Band/Music, JWR

    Jennifer Sluter, Counselor, GRW

    Jill Bahti - ESS Ac. Coach 

    Josue Rivas, Tech. Dept.

    Kamaree Pacheco, Ac. Coach, WW

    Karen Schmaltz, Dir. Sup. Prog.

    Karen Stengel, Dir. Extracur. Act.

    Kathleen Ross, Ac. Coach, GRW

    Kendra Bailey, Extracur. Act.

    Keri Grasky, PE, SEVE

    Kira Thomas - EL Ac. Coach

    Kristina Schneider, 1st gr., MAD

    Kristine Jones, 1st-2nd gr., VAL

    Laurie Gannon - 2nd gr., ATS

    Laurie Santoro - 4th gr., GRW

    Lesley Seabert, 2nd gr., MAD

    Libby Cohen, Ed. Serv. Coord.

    Lori Garcia, Dir. ESS

    Magui Herrera-Valdez 0 to 5 Coor., APA 

    Maria Duarte, Tech. Dept.

    Maria Madrigal, 3rd gr., GRW

    Mary Kate Hafner, 6th gr., CGP

    Matthew Miller, 6th gr., JWR

    Melissa Gonzales, Deputy Sup. of Acad.

    Melody Hodges, Ac. Coach, GAP

    Mia DeLaRosa, 8th gr., SEVW

    Michael Campbell, Tech. Dept.

    Natalie Silva - Ac. Coach, BAR

    Nico Mel, Tech. Dept.

    Nicole Gribbin, 3rd gr., WW

    Nikki Wilson, Deputy/Assoc. Sup. Office

    Paul Hamel, GATE, BAR

    Penny Witzman, ESS SEVE

    Phillip Seng, Tech. Dept.

    Raul Hernandez, Tech. Dept.

    Raul Ruiz, Dir. Next Gen. Learning

    Rosa Berrelleza, Dir. Curr. and Inst.

    Rosa Hurtado, Ed. Ser.

    Ruben Montoya - Dir. of Tech

    Sarah Messick, 3rd gr., MAD

    Shanelle Cravens, K, BAR

    Stacy O’Rourke - Principal, MAD

    Stephen Gallen, Tech. Dept.

    Steve Horton, Staff Dev.

    Sugey Rubio - Pre. Teacher, APA  

    Tamra Smith, 4th gr., SEVE

    Tanette Weaber, K, MAD

    Tanner Kent - 7th gr., SIM

    Ted Barrow, Tech. Dept.

    Tina Bunch- Principal, CAT

    Tina McReynolds, Music, GRW

    Vachelle Hector, Fed. Prog.

    Veronica Castellanos - 8th gr., COR