• This communication was sent to parents via email on August 23, 2021.

    August 23, 2021

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    The COVID-19 pandemic brought uncertainty and stress for many of us, and loss for some. Schools returning to in-person learning is something we’ve looked forward to, but we understand it can be a source of anxiety for students and parents/guardians as case numbers rise within our community. 

    That is why, along with our strong mitigation strategies and transparent communication, the Alhambra Elementary School District is offering voluntary rapid testing to students and staff. Your permission is required. A rapid COVID-19 test detects protein fragments specific to COVID-19. The test would be conducted by the school’s nurse and results can be expected within 15 minutes if your child is considered to be symptomatic. Testing individuals who are symptomatic helps enable rapid detection of cases in our community and helps reduce or prevent school outbreaks. 

    To give permission for your child to be tested if needed, please click here to complete this form. An over-the-phone verbal consent will not be accepted. 

    Testing helps reduce community spread and keeps our schools operating safely. To learn more about the protocols in place to keep students and staff safe, read the Healthy Teaching and Learning (HTL) protocols at alhambraesd.org/COVID19.

    Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support.

    Updated July 30, 2023.




Last Modified on September 24, 2024