• Alhambra Gives

School Tax Credit

  • A dollar-for-dollar tax credit, up to $200 for individuals and $400 for married couples. You'll receive every cent back when you file for taxes, a no-brainer!

    Contribute by making your tax credit online, through check, or payroll deductions, and your funds will go to extracurricular activities in the Alhambra Elementary School District, like after-school athletics, art, and music clubs; field trips; and STEM clubs!


    Click to Give Button

Gifts & Donations

  • A contribution to Alhambra’s Gifts and Donations fund provides extra support to the current greatest needs. Some examples of areas your funds may support include districtwide initiatives, programs, and services that impact students, such as art,

    music, PE, STEM, student leadership development, and other areas supported by the district mission and vision.

    Donations to AESD's Gifts & Donations fund are tax deductible. Contribute through payroll deductions or check. You are impacting students now through innovative programs and services - instant gratification!

A Gift for Tomorrow - Alhambra Foundation for the Future

  • The Alhambra Foundation for the Future (AFF) offers college scholarship opportunities for students who have promoted from eighth grade from the Alhambra Elementary School District. Contributions to AFF are tax deductible, and can be made through payroll deduction, online, or check. Be a part of that clear path to higher education by contributing to AFF.

Alhambra Gives Employee Payroll Deduct Form

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